Community Development Banking News

CDFI Banking: Industry, Policy, and Beyond. 

NextCity | Thursday, July 20, 2023

As the opioid crisis continues to escalate, rural populations and historically disenfranchised populations have suffered particularly high mortality rates. Concerningly, those two demographics coincide in many American Indian communities, where a combination of geographic isolation and economic barriers can both exacerbate the problem and make receiving adequate treatment for addiction uniquely difficult.
But a recent partnership between Native American Bank and a North Dakota Tribe presents an innovative and promising solution to that concerning trend. The Bank is a CDFI owned and operated by Native Americans, which focuses on supporting Indigenous communities.

Bloomberg | Thursday, July 13, 2023

You can watch Darrin Williams, CEO of Southern Bancorp discuss updates regarding the St Louis Fed, the impact of inflation on consumers, Southern Bancorp lending activity, deposit levels, and possible increase in capital requirements with Scarlet Fu and Romaine Bostick on Bloomberg Television.

The Fintech Times | Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Beneficial State Foundation has launched its Underwriting for Racial Justice Lender Pilot Program, a two-year endeavor composed of 20 diverse lenders focused on dismantling racially-inequitable underwriting practices in the financial industry and increasing capital access and wealth for people of color. CDBA member Texas National Bank is also participating. The pilot program aims to create new lending criteria for lower-income U.S. borrowers who have historically faced higher barriers to obtaining financing.
A key strategic partner is Stratyfy, a bias-mitigation firm that has twice been highlighted by CDBA's Product Development Committee and was a guest presenter at the 2022 Peer Forum. Stratyfy and Beneficial State Foundation recently announced a partnership to leverage AI to promote equitable lending practices.

American Banker | Sunday, July 9, 2023

Beneficial State Foundation has launched its Underwriting for Racial Justice Lender Pilot Program, a two-year endeavor composed of 20 diverse lenders focused on dismantling racially-inequitable underwriting practices in the financial industry and increasing capital access and wealth for people of color. CDBA member Texas National Bank is also participating. The pilot program aims to create new lending criteria for lower-income U.S. borrowers who have historically faced higher barriers to obtaining financing.

A ket strategic partner is Stratyfy, a bias-mitigation firm that has twice been highlighted by CDBA's Product Development Committee and was a guest presenter at the 2022 Peer Forum. Stratyfy and Beneficial State Foundation recently announced a partnership to leverage AI to promote equitable lending practices.

Marketplace | Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Optus Bank and Carver State Bank are quoted in a Marketplace article discussing banks' hesitation around Commercial Real Estate Loans despite office building sitting empty.

Consumer Protection Financial Bureau | Monday, July 3, 2023

The CFPB released its Fair Lending Annual Report to Congress , describing their fair lending activities in enforcement and supervision; guidance and rulemaking; interagency coordination; and outreach and education for calendar year 2022.

Politico | Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Per Politico, DOJ's review of bank mergers will refocus its enforcement of American legal precedence by limiting big bank mergers to maintain as much competition as possible. The goal is to revive the DOJ's practice of issuing competitive factors reports. Going forward, the DOJ will look, for example, "to ensure that customers have the ability to choose among different types of lenders, such as retail banks, small business banks, and large- and mid-size business banks in any transaction."

Leader Call | Monday, June 19, 2023

Lillous Ann Shoemaker, president and general counsel of Magnolia State Bank, was recently appointed to The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Advisory Committee on Community Banking, which was established in 2009. Shoemaker is the first Mississippian to serve on the Advisory Committee.

American Banker | Thursday, June 15, 2023

The NFL announced $78 million in borrowing from 16 MDI's and CDFI's, 10 of which are CDBA members. The NFL is establishing relationships with diverse financial institutions to provide new economic opportunities typically only available to larger financial institutions and to increase the diversity of its banking partners. Additionally, the new business opportunities will help fund growth, increase investment back into the communities they serve and create broader visibility for the institutions themselves.

American Banker | Thursday, June 8, 2023

Several large banks and other companies and foundations have secured $1 billion of committed deposits for financial institutions that focus on underserved communities, but organizers say those efforts are still in their early stages.
