First Southwest Bank Finances Colorado Malting Company

First SouthWest Bank
Thursday, April 23, 2015

An SBA loan from Durango, Colorado-based First Southwest Bank has helped Colorado Malting Company expand its operation to become the largest craft malt house in the United States. Founders Jason and Wayne Cody say the bank’s work was instrumental in their business’s success. "The first day we were open for business, running a tank that would hold about 400 gallons of wheat, we got an order for 40,000 pounds of malt. So we just kind of went, 'We're going to need some financing help!'” said Jason Cody. “[First SouthWest Bank] has worked tremendously hard and went to bat for us right away trying to figure out how to value malting equipment... I don't know what bank would have been willing to work with us like First SouthWest has."