CDBA member ABC Bank seeks a VP compliance officer. This role is responsible for BSA reporting, automating processes, monitoring new regulatory developments and developing procedures. The compliance officer chairs monthly compliance committee meetings and prepares and manages all levels of employee compliance training.
CDBA Member One PacificCoast Bank seeks a senior financial analyst. This hands-on position reports on the company’s financial position, preparing and analyzing financial plans, forecasts and results. This role provides information to management by assembling and summarizing key data, preparing budget to actual reports and making presentations of findings. The senior financial analyst also assists with the accounting monthly close and reporting processes.
City First Bank of D.C. has several open positions.
Relationship Manager
The relationship manager is responsible for soliciting new business, managing customer relationships and handling all phases of loan and deposit production. This position will develop business geared toward growth in new customer relationships, strengthening and expanding existing relationships and increasing profitability.
Senior Underwriter
The senior underwriter is responsible for structuring and underwriting loan requests along with preparing a credit approval package. This position will conduct financial analysis and provide credit recommendations based on a review that includes collateral, interest rate and loan structure. Other duties include spreading and analyzing customer’s financial information and collateral.
CDBA seeks a program and public policy coordinator responsible for assisting with public policy advocacy, development of education programs, special projects and general membership support. This position will conduct analysis of legislative and regulatory proposals that affect access to credit for low income communities. This role also supports CDBA's advocacy efforts, participates in event planning and writes the CDBA Newsflash.
2 CDBA Member Banks have been named by American Banker as Best Banks to Work For 2017. Congrations to BankPlus in Ridgeland, MS and Community Bank in Brandon, MS for creating cultures of positivity and high performance!
CDBA Member Albina Community Bank is seeking a credit analyst to analyze financial data, prepare initial credit analysis, assess portfolio credit quality, and assist with ongoing financial analysis of existing lending relationships. This position works to prepare credit approval packages with the chief credit officer, commercial lenders, relationship managers and special assets.
CDBA member Sunrise Banks seeks a credit analyst responsible for analyzing loans and supporting loan officers on commercial and industrial loans, commercial real estate and personal loans. This position also maintains loan and bank credit file documentation to ensure compliance with bank and regulatory requirements.
CDBA member Carver Federal Savings Bank seeks a senior operations manager to oversee branch and loan operations, including managing vendors, facilities and projects for core operating systems. This role is responsible for re-engineering processes and work flows, documenting procedures and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. The senior manager will also participate in ensuring operational priorities are aligned with mission, vision, values and division objectives.
CDBA Member Native American Bank seeks a credit analyst with experience assessing credit risk associated with the bank’s current and prospective loans. The incumbent will use economic conditions, industry characteristics, financial ratio analysis, collateral analysis, loan covenant considerations and other factors to analyze credit risks and underwrite loans.
CDFI loan fund Enterprise Community Loan Fund seeks a senior loan officer responsible for lending and portfolio responsibilities throughout Enterprise’s national footprint. The senior loan officer is responsible for underwriting community development loan requests with a particular emphasis on affordable housing and community facilities. The loan officer is also responsible for managing a portfolio of loans and maintaining relationships with partner organizations.