American Metro Bank

American Metro Bank is an Illinois-chartered bank with its main office located in Chicago, Illinois. The Bank commenced operations in 1997 and engages in general banking business through its main office (Uptown) and one branch (Chinatown) in the Chicago, Illinois, metropolitan area.
The Bank offers all of the usual products and services of a commercial bank including: demand, savings and time deposits; commercial, industrial, consumer and real estate loans; and associated banking services. The Bank offers commercial and consumer loans to corporations, partnerships and individuals. Commercial lending covers such categories as business, industry, equipment, capital, inventory, construction and real estate.
The Bank is a certified Minority Depository Institution (MDI) under the Treasury's Financial Management Service's Minority Bank Deposit Program (MBDP). As such, the bank participates in regular roundtable workshops hosted by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for the benefit of MDI's. The bank actively promotes collaborative efforts which may provide Community Reinvestment ACT (CRA) credits to participating non-MDI banks. CRA credit may be earned through several types of collaboration such as loan participations, technical assistance, equity, and/or investment in our "MDI CRA CD" deposit product.